2017 In Review

January 24, 2018 (7y ago)

What Went Well?

  • Just finished my college
  • My final year project doing well
  • Joined hackathon at Magic
  • Got an internship at a startup
  • Brave to meet with my freelance client
  • Join bitcoin to the moon

What When Wrong?

  • Can’t sustain my freelance sales.
  • Failed to write more in my blog
  • Failed to consistent update budget daily
  • Burn out in my freelance.

Progress Rating


  1. My final year project doing well. I learned a lot from this project. My core skill in this project was using Laravel and JS library. Working with a lot of relation table and create a rest API definitely a new thing for me.
  2. Failed to write more in my blog. I’m not a big fan of writing because my English not so good. I’m trying my best to improve it. I would love to double down on this goal this year.
  3. Failed to consistent update budget daily. Having a budget is a must for someone like me. Last year I failed to do it because my expenses getting messy. Previously, I used YNAB for budgeting and moved to Spendee because this app has a great design but it doesn’t work for my finance. So, I revert back to YNAB (in September) and now I still consistently update daily my expenses.
  4. **Join bitcoin to the moon. **I’m a bit late of this cryptocurrency hype. I decide to join it last September to invest in bitcoin. Right now, my money has doubled.🤑 For sure, I’ve cashed out my bitcoin. It’s so risky


  1. Brave to meet with my freelance client. This was new to me. I’m an introvert person. I don’t have any guts to meet the client. Previously, most of the details happen through phone calls or online message. This is totally getting out from my comfort zone and its working.
  2. Can’t sustain my freelance sales. My sales for 2017 was lower than 2016.I’m very busy with my final year project for half of the year and focus on my internship.
  3. Rebrand my website. Previously, I presented as a company while I’m the only one in the company.😅 I rebrand my website and bought a new domain to represent myself. Surprisingly, the sales going up.
  4. Burn out in my freelance. SinceI’ve rebrand my website, I got several gigs. Since, I have a full-time job, working on multiple freelance gigs going to make me burn out. It’s hard for me to say NO to every gig comes in.


  1. Finished my college. I’m done with my studies. No more going to class and study for the bullshit exam.
  2. Got an internship at a startup. During searching for internship placement, I have several criteria needs to follow before I apply the position which are the small company, startup, front-end developer and flexible working hour. I’m not a guy apply for a job through a job listing site and pump my resume or CV. I only apply to the company that I could learn.

My goals for 2018

  • Quit my corporate job. Change to other company or going fulltime freelancer.
  • Reach my financial goal for my part-time freelancer ~RM24,000 by the end of this year.
  • Treat my financial budget as my everyday routine.
  • At least update 1 blog post every month. Total minimum 12 blogs by the end of this year.
  • Build one microsite every month. This is for my learning process. I’ve built two microsites since last December.
  • Get a healthy lifestyle. Okay, this was hard for me.